Parent Resources
ARC of Bismarck
The Arc of Bismarck is dedicated to improving community support and services, influencing public policy at all levels, providing education and training for advocates, self-advocates and parents, and achieving full inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of life.
Autism Speaks
Autism Speaks works to promote solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the lifespan, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families through advocacy and support; increasing understanding and acceptance of autism spectrum disorder; and advancing research into causes and better interventions for autism spectrum disorder and related conditions.
Designer Genes of North Dakota
The Bismarck-Mandan “Designer Genes” name and support group was originally created by a group of local families who had young children with Down syndrome, about 20 years ago. Over the years, this network of families has offered support and information to each other in many ways.
Their mission is to strengthen opportunities for individuals with Down syndrome and those who support them to earn, learn and belong. They see a community that embraces, respects, and supports people of all abilities, especially those with Down syndrome.
Family Voices of North Dakota (FVND)
Family Voices of North Dakota (FVND) is a statewide health information and education center for families who have children with a special health need or disability from birth to age 26 and for the professionals that serve them.
Great American Bike Race Application
The mission of the Sanford Health Great American Bike Race is to support and strenthen families of children and adults with cerebral palsy and other related disabilities.
Families and caregivers can apply for funds to pay for services and/or purchase equipment such as wheelchairs, communication devices and adaptive tricycles for children and young adults with cerebral palsy or related disabilities.
North Dakota Federation of Families
ND Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health is a parent-run organization focused on the needs of children and youth with emotional, behavioral or mental disorders and their families.
North Dakota Protection & Advocacy Project
There is a protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities in each state and territory. Legislation establishing this system was passed by Congress in 1975.
In North Dakota, the organization designated by the Governor to serve as the protection and advocacy system is the Protection & Advocacy Project (P&A). P&A is an independent state agency established in 1977 to advance the human and legal rights of people with disabilities. P&A strives to create an inclusive society that values each individual.
People served include infants, children and adults of all ages. The majority of funds for program operations are from federal grants. Additional support is provided by the State of North Dakota. There is no cost for services, however, P&A does implement general eligibility requirements, including that the individual must reside within the State of North Dakota. P&A has eight different advocacy programs that serve individuals with disabilities.
Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights(PACER)
PACER Center is a parent training and information center for families of children and youth with all disabilities from birth to young adults. Located in Minneapolis, it serves families across the nation, as well as those in Minnesota. Parents can find publications, workshops, and other resources to help make decisions about education, vocational training, employment, and other services for their children with disabilities. PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center provides resources designed to benefit all students, including those with disabilities.
Pathfinder Services of North Dakota
Pathfinder helps parents and educators to connect, plan for and become engaged in each child/person’s education. Our mission includes individuals who receive both general education and special education services from birth through age 26.
West Central Human Service Center: Developmental Disability Services
The N.D. Department of Human Services offers various programs and services that help people with disabilities and their families live meaningful and productive lives.