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Middle School Curriculum

Middle School Curriculum

Curriculum at Bismarck Public Schools is dictated by North Dakota State Standards.  Please click to view State Standards in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.

Please note: Curriculum review is an ongoing process.  Bismarck Public Schools regularly evaluates and modifies the curricular program to ensure continued alignment to prioritized standards.  The links contained on this page are routinely updated to provide stakeholders with access to grade-specific resources reflective of the curricular program currently in use at BPS.  Parents and guardians are encouraged to contact their child's teacher if more information is desired.  Where appropriate, primary instructional resources are listed on grade and course-level curricular documents.  If no primary resource is listed, community members are invited to consult teachers directly regarding their selection of supplementary instructional resources (see policy GAAD-AR1).

Last updated: 2/17/2023