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Empower Every Learner to Thrive!

Privacy Practices

Bismarck Public Schools
Commitment to Responsible Use of Data and Data Privacy

We all want assurances that personal information and data about our children are secure and protected. At Bismarck Public Schools, we strive to be clear about what data we collect, how data support student learning, and the safeguards in place to protect data.


Our Commitment:

The key to student success is meeting each child’s individual needs. Meeting individual student needs requires that we have data on students and their progress.  Protecting this personal information in secure and responsible ways is at the heart of our efforts to provide a more personalized and dynamic learning experience for all students.

Responsible Data Collection and Use:

Bismarck Public Schools, and the service providers we work with, must adhere to certain federal and state privacy laws.  The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is one of the primary laws protecting student data.  FERPA guides Bismarck Public Schools in using data to benefit student learning and stipulates that our associated service providers cannot use educational records in any way that is not authorized by the school district.  They cannot sell or allow others to access it except as BPS permits in accordance with federal and state education privacy laws.

How Do Education Data Support Student Success and Improvement of Bismarck Public Schools?

Teachers need data to understand when students are thriving and when they need more support in learning specific concepts.


Parents and guardians need access to their children’s educational data to help them succeed.


Students need feedback on their progress so they can make good decisions and prepare for success.


School officials need  to understand school/district performance for continuous improvement and resource allocation.

What Data do we Collect?

Demographic Information: we collect data such as names, addresses, phone numbers, gender, age, etc. to ensure school functionality, student safety and accurate reporting.


Student Participation Information: we collect data such as attendance, grades, and participation in school-sponsored extra-curricular activities to enable students to succeed.


Assessment Information: we collect results from local, state, and national assessments to provide teachers, administrators, parents, and students with important information about student, program, and school performance and to improve learning.


Survey Information: we collect surveys and other feedback to improve teaching and learning and address other issues important to students and their families.