About HR
Human Resources Department
128 Soo Line Dr.
Bismarck, ND 58501
(701) 323-4070
The Human Resources Department is located in the Central Administration Building at 128 Soo Line Dr. in Bismarck. Park on the east side of the building in the parking lot, or on the street (north side). Enter through the main entrance (NE side). Google Maps
The Human Resources Department provides the public and employees with information on job openings, benefits, compensation packages, employment policies and procedures, employee relations, and staff development.
With our specialized knowledge in human resources management, we serve to help the district maximize its effectiveness as an employer, and to help employees maximize their effectiveness for the district, in order to attain the vision that all students will graduate and be college, career and community ready.
Stacey Geiger
Human Resources Director
Paulette Kerzmann
Human Resources Generalist
All employee benefits, FMLA medical and FMLA baby leave, lane changes (credits), evaluations (Perform), tracking employee positions/scheduled hours.
Tracey Reinbold
Human Resources Generalist
Working in collaboration with HR and the LDI team; mentor/mentee program, recruitment, new teacher orientation, sub/aide training, Unified Talent professional learning, scheduling/communication for PD days
Betty Thornton
Human Resources Support Specialist
Issues annual contracts, new hire contracts, lane change contracts and summer school agreements. Works with new hires on licensing, employment verification and salary time sheets.
Brynn Zuther
Human Resources Support Specialist
Recruit & Hire (all position postings etc.), Absence Management, substitute teachers onboarding and training, job descriptions and fingerprinting.
Carol Pittman
Human Resources Assistant
WSI, new hires (onboarding), sub aides, background checks, teacher licensing renewals, employee name badges/electronic keycards.