Submission information
The Friday Flier is produced by Bismarck Public Schools as a FREE service to non-profit community organizations and for-profits offering positive events and activities for students and families.
Suggested ad entry content:
-Max 300 word count + graphic attached
-For additional information, please provide external link.
(Ad submissions may be adapted/modified to fit publication column size.)
Each ad submission is allowed into TWO publications per quarter.
Quarter 1: Ends October 25, 2024
Quarter 2: Ends January 10, 2024
Quarter 3: Ends March 21, 2025
Quarter 4: Ends May 23, 2025
Bismarck Public Schools reviews ALL entries submitted into the Friday Flier. BPS reserves the right to refuse any ads. Acceptance criteria governed by Policy KAAD-AR.
With the exception of official BPS activities, these events are not sponsored/endorsed by BPS. Fundraising events such as benefit breakfasts or auctions/dinners will not be allowed, nor will notices that directly compete with BPS events, activities, and services.
If you have any questions, contact Community Relations, (701)323-4092,
Quarter 1
- Friday, August 30th (submission deadline August 27th)
- Friday, September 13th (submission deadline September 6th)
- Friday, September 27th (submission deadline September 20th)
- Friday, October 11th (submission deadline October 4th)
- Friday, October 25th (submission deadline October 18th)
Quarter 2
Parent-Teacher Conference Day and Veterans Day Holiday break
Quarter 3
- Friday, January 24th (submission deadline January 17th)
- Friday, February 7th (submission deadline January 31st)
- Friday, February 21st (submission deadline February 14th)
- Friday, March 7th (submission deadline February 28th)
- Friday, March 21st (submission deadline March 14th)
Quarter 4
- Coming Soon