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Account Balance/Lunch Account Refund Info

  • Families of returning students will see positive meal balances rolled forward into their child/ren’s meal account(s) for the next school year.

    Families who have no students returning the next school year (last sibling to graduate, family leaves BPS district) can receive a refund of the remaining balance in their students meal accounts up to 2 weeks after leaving our district. 

    The way to receive those refunds are: 

    • At checkout on the last day of school at your students' school (secondary schools only) or
    • Request a refund to be sent to the parent or guardian. These requests can either be emailed to Dar Wixcey or by calling 701-323-4090 (M-F 7:30-4).
    • Parents can always choose to donate the remaining funds.  These funds go to our donation account for struggling families or a family/student account of their choice. 
    • Funds can also be transferred by parent or guardian to a sibling account through your LINQconnect account.

    Requests for refunds outside the regular checkout forms must be received by BPS Child Nutrition within these time limits.  

    • Graduating students:
      • Request refunds by June 10 of the recently completed school year for graduated students. 
      • Graduated students' unclaimed lunch funds will be refunded by a check mailed out to the parent or guardian by June 30th. 
    • Other students leaving the district:
      • Parents or Guardian must claim a refund within two weeks of checkout from the school or leaving the district. 
      • Refund checks can be requested at the school on the students last day of school or
      • Requests can be submitted by email to Dar Wixcey or by calling 701-323-4090 (M-F 7:30-4).  
      • Refund checks are mailed out within 2 weeks of receiving a request.
    • Funds can always be transferred to a sibling's account through your LINQconnect account. 

    Any money left in inactive accounts after the refund request time limit has expired, will be donated to help struggling families with negative balances.

    For the complete School District Policy ABEC Child Nutrition Account Balance, click here.