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Dr. Jeff Fastnacht, BPS Superintendent

Dr. Jeff Fastnacht comes to Bismarck Public Schools with extensive experience as an educator.  He was employed at Ellendale Public Schools from 1996 through 2018 as a principal, IT director, and superintendent.  Dr. Fastnacht previously served as the assistant superintendent of Mandan Public Schools. 

Dr. Fastnacht is past president of the North Dakota Council of Educational Leaders. His teaching career began in Britton, S.D., in 1991. A 21-year AASA member, Fastnacht received his Ed.D. from the University of Mary in Bismarck, North Dakota

To contact Dr. Fastnacht: 
Dawn Brown
Superintendent Secretary





Assistant Superintendent Brad Barnhardt headshot


Brad Barnhardt, Elementary Assistant Superintendent

Mr. Brad Barnhardt is the Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Schools. He has a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership from Aurora University in Illinois. His undergraduate degree is in Elementary and Physical Education from the University of Mary. He has been an Elementary Principal, Dean of Students, and an Elementary Teacher. Brad has ten years of experience as a school administrator in Bismarck and Illinois. Most recently, Brad has been the principal at Will-Moore Elementary for the past five years.

Mr. Barnhardt oversees the following programs: McKinney Vento for children and youth who are homeless, foster care liaison, look-alike reading program and nursing portfolio.

Molly Leno
Assistant Superintendent Secretary

Dr. Ben Johnson, Secondary Assistant Superintendent

Dr. Ben Johnson has been the Secondary Assistant Superintendent of Bismarck Public Schools since 2014-2015. He has a doctorate degree in Educational Leadership and Policy studies from Iowa State University, as well as a Certificate of Advanced Studies superintendent endorsement. He has been a lecturer for the Educational Administration Masters' degree program at Iowa State and the University of Mary. His undergraduate degree is from Cornell College in Iowa. Prior Dr. Johnson had seven years of experience as a school administrator. Ben has been a high school principal, an assistant principal in charge of curriculum and professional development, and a high school teacher.

Dr. Johnson is Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Schools and oversees the following programs: Library Media, Activities, Curriculum, Instruction, Staff Development, Testing/Assessment, Entitlement Programs, and Adult Education.

Kayla McCloud
Assistant Superintendent Secretary